“Ultimately Lyrics as Poetry is a simple idea done very well, as all good things generally are.”

— magCulture

“The pleasure of Lyrics as Poetry is noticing the way that a five word title can hold a whole of a song within it: lyrics written down are haunted by their music, and that odd doubling is a sort of poetry.”


“Apropos of the journal’s title, songs are formatted like poetry and intended to be read as such, providing the reader with a new angle from which to interact with work from a roster of artists.”

American Songwriter

“The idea here is to offer a far-distant oasis from the cluttered layout of song-lyric pages on the web, as well as afford lyrics the equivalent of a proper gallery-viewing space for paintings.”


“The magazine’s cover evokes classic book designs with its playfully elegant typography, gently extending out of the frame – as though it were a melody that accompanies you even after the song has stopped playing...”

— magCulture